Guru Shikhar, Mount Abu, Rajasthan

Guru Shikhar

Master Shikhar is the most astounding pinnacle of the Aravalli Range and lies around 15 kilometers from Mount Abu. The tallness of the pinnacle is 1722 meters from ocean level accordingly encouraging a stunning perspective on the Aravalli run and the slope station of Mount Abu. Master Shikhar means 'the pinnacle of the master' and was named after Guru Dattatreya who is accepted to have dwelled on the crest during his days as a priest. The cavern on the pinnacle has been changed over to a sanctuary in his recognition. Master Shikhar is additionally home to the Mount Abu Observatory.

After a 15 kilometre drive, you would need to climb a few steps to reach the top of Guru Shikhar Peak. When visited during October and November, the weather gets more cloudy and misty. At the top of Guru Shikhar is an age-old bell with the words '1411 AD' inscribed on it. Ringing that bell after hiking all the way to the peak is like announcing your achievement to the valley of Mount Abu. The sound of the bell chimes long and far.

Best Season: October - February